Saturday, November 30, 2013

A2B list #1

Now that Thanksgiving is behind me, I can really focus on some things.

After I go to the gym to work off all the turkey, mac n cheese, greens, stuffing, sweet potato pie, etc. that I hesistantly consumed with the voraciousness of a mother bear coming out of hibernation.

In this post black friday society world we live in, I decided to write down 50 things I'm thankful for:

1. My loving husband
2. A warm bed
3. My dimples
4. That Jeremy can cook his tail off!
5. Being able to take a great photo
6. My son's laugh
7. Having a creative mind
8. My children
9. For people that are kind to strangers
10. All four seasons
11. Having sisters
12. Every job I ever had...really!
13. My Cairn Princess...RIP
14. My Nook HD
15. Tattoos
16. The color Orange
17. Being able to smell cinnamon
18. Dark chocolate
19. Festivals in the Summer
20. Rainbows
21. Bumble bees
22. The Smithsonian
23. Hearing Dove's sing
24. Kombucha green tea
25. That my youngest son is so sweet and kind
26. Coffee
27. Shea butter
28. Sandy beaches
29. Turkey Chilli
30. Puzzles
31. My passport
32. Gold, orange, red foliage
33. Running shoes
34. Walking trails
35. Yoga pants
36. The way he holds my hand
37. Maya Angelou
38. Quiet moments alone with him
39. Butterflies
40. The way my daughter loves storytelling
41. Jazz music
42. Soy candles
43. Crosswords
44. Knit scarves
45. Puppies and babies
46. Board games
47. The Blue Ridge Mountains
48. Arts and Crafts
49. Red wine, cheese and fruit
50. For the struggles I face that remind me of what I should be thankful for.

Can you come up 50 things to add to the A2B list?


  1. Thanks for making me reflect on my life as I prepare my mind for the work week ahead of me.
